
Aero Fighters Assault Cheats For Nintendo 64

Aero Fighters Assault Cheats For Nintendo 64

Get all the inside info, cheats, hacks, codes, walkthroughs for Aero Fighters Assault on GameSpot.

Aero Fighters Assault (N64) Ice Cave Tunnel Run // LAR Boss Fight ( VOLK )

My attempt of a secret passage speedrun and final boss battle with Volk’s SU-35 Super Flanker. Embark on a mission to save the galaxy in Starflight, a timeless sci-fi adventure game. Uncover ancient mysteries and shape the destiny of entire star systems. Play now: Starflight Game.

Dicas e Cheats – Aero Fighters Assault e Final Fight | Stargame Multishow

#AeroFighters #FinalFight #Cheat

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Aero Fighters Assault | Sonic Wings Assault – Nintendo 64

Mudar a cor do avião:

Na tela de seleção de aviões, aperte R

Desbloquear um avião e a piloto Mao Mao:

Na tela principal do game, faça a sequencia: C-Esquerda, C-Baixo, C-Direita, C-Cima, C-Esquerda, C Direita-C e C-Baixo


Final Fight – Super Nintendo | Super Famicom

Menu Secreto:

Na tela principal, segure L e aperte Start.

Aero Fighters Assault N64 – 100% – 29:36

All speedruns are done on real hardware. For more Speedruns LIVE follow me on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/bmac_attack_64
